Qwiid, it's that simple!

By participating, you will be able to (depending on the type of question and the parameters selected by the creator of the Qwiid):

  1. Vote
    • On propositions: Open question, closed question, decision matrix, open question not motivated
    • On options: Poll and smart poll
    • On motivations: Open question, closed question, smart poll
    • On criteria: Decision matrix
  2. Add inputs
    • Propositions: Open question, closed question, decision matrix, open question not motivated
    • Options: Poll and smart poll
    • Motivations: Open question, closed question, smart poll
    • Criteria: Decision matrix
  3. Edit your votes
    • After validating your participation, it will always be possible to modify your votes.
      Your opinions are not set in stone and may always change. With Qwiid it's the same, you always have the choice to modify them.
  4. Follow the Qwiid
    • Using favorites (in the contextual menu on the right of the screen)
      You can add the Qwiid to your favorites to find it quickly later.
    • Using notifications
      You can subscribe to email notifications to be notified when there are new participations.

In detail

  1. Choose a username

    During your first participation, you will have to choose a username to be able to participate in Qwiid.
    3 options are available to you:

    • I already have an account: allows you to log in using an existing account.
    • I want to create an account: allows you to create a new user account using an email address or an external service
      Available services: Google, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook
    • I participate without creating an account: allows you to enter a username to participate directly
      Remark: It may not be possible to change your participation later as this authentication method relies on cookies.
  2. General information

    In every Qwiid, you will find general information at the top of the screen:

    • Phases: The current phase
      Additional information is displayed on mouse over
    • Title: Title of the Qwiid
      In the example:"Qwiid project"
    • Metadata: The author and the last update of the Qwiid
    • Indications: Messages explaining who will be able to see your votes, whether the question is mandatory, whether it is necessary to vote on all the propositions, etc.
    • Question: the issue for which the creator of Qwiid expects to receive your opinion.
      In the example:"What features should we implement?"
    • Important: Some Qwiid may contain several questions. In that case, several digits will be displayed next to the "Question" label. This is the number of questions available.
      Participate in a Qwiid - Several questions
      To scroll through the questions, you can click directly on these numbers or use the navigation buttons at the bottom of the Qwiid
      Participate in a Qwiid - Navigation buttons
  3. Participate in an open question
    • Each proposition is delimited by a colored rectangle and contains several buttons (depending on the type of answer)
      Click on the answer that best reflects your opinion.
      Ideally, all propositions should be assigned a response.
    • Participate in a Qwiid - Vote on a proposition
    • Below each proposition are the motivations.
      Select those that you consider true and which impact or are the basis of your choice.
      Use the "exclamation mark" to indicate that the argument is false or invalid.
      You can select "against" arguments even if your opinion is more in favor of the proposition, and vice versa.
    • Participate in a Qwiid - Voter on a motivation
    • Depending on the parameters of the question, it is possible to add propositions.
      Click on the "Add a proposition" button at the bottom of the list of propositions.
      Participate in a Qwiid - Add a proposition
      Select the type of answer. It is not recommended to modify it.
      Add a title in the "Proposition" field.
      Optionally add a "description" to clarify your proposition.
    • Depending on the parameters of the question, it is possible to add motivations to the propositions.
      Click on the "Argument 'pro'" or "Argument 'contra'" buttons below the motivations of the proposition.
      Participate in a Qwiid - Add a motivation
      Select the type of motivation (pro or cons).
      Add a title in the "Motivation" field.
      Optionally add a "description" to specify your argument.
    • All you have to do is validate your participation by clicking on the "Submit" button below the form.
  4. Participate in a closed question
    • The question contains different answers (depending on the type of answer)
      Click on the answer that best reflects your opinion.
    • Participate in a Qwiid - Vote on a closed question
    • Below the question are the motivations.
      Select those that you consider true and which impact or are the basis of your choice.
      Use the "exclamation mark" to indicate that the argument is false or invalid.
      You can select "against" arguments even if your opinion is more in favor of the issue, and vice versa.
    • Participate in a Qwiid - Vote on a motivation
    • Depending on the parameters of the question, it is possible to add arguments to the question.
      Click on the "Argument 'pro'" or "Argument 'contra'" buttons below the arguments of the question.
    • All you have to do is validate your participation by clicking on the "Submit" button below the form.
  5. Participate in a poll
    • Each option is delimited by a colored rectangle and contains a single box (round if it is a single choice or square for multiple choices).
      Select one or more options by clicking in the box to the right of the title.
    • Participate in a Qwiid - Vote on an option
    • Depending on the parameters of the question, it is possible to add options.
      Click on the "Add an option" button at the bottom of the list of options.
      Participate in a Qwiid - Add an option
      Add a title in the "Option" field.
      Optionally add a "description" to specify your option.
    • All you have to do is validate your participation by clicking on the "Submit" button below the form.
  6. Participate in a smart poll
    • Each option is delimited by a colored rectangle and contains a single box (round if it is a single choice or square for multiple choices).
      Select one or more options by clicking in the box to the right of the title.
    • Participate in a Qwiid - Voter sur une option
    • Below each option are the motivations.
      Select those that you consider true and which impact or are the basis of your choice.
      Use the "exclamation mark" to indicate that the argument is false or invalid.
      You can select "against" arguments even if your opinion is more in favor of the option, and vice versa.
    • Participate in a Qwiid - Vote on a motivation
    • Depending on the parameters of the question, it is possible to add options.
      Click on the "Add an option" button at the bottom of the list of options.
    • Depending on the parameters of the question, it is possible to add arguments to the options.
      Click on the "Argument 'pro'" or "Argument 'contra'" buttons below the arguments of the option.
    • All you have to do is validate your participation by clicking on the "Submit" button below the form.
  7. Participate in an open question not motivated
    • Each proposition is delimited by a colored rectangle and contains several buttons (depending on the type of answer)
      Click on the answer that best reflects your opinion.
      Ideally, all propositions should be assigned a response.
    • Participate in a Qwiid - Vote on a proposition
    • Depending on the parameters of the question, it is possible to add propositions.
      Click on the "Add a proposition" button at the bottom of the list of propositions.
    • All you have to do is validate your participation by clicking on the "Submit" button below the form.
  8. Participate in a decision matrix
    • The decision matrix is characterized by the definition of evaluation criteria.
      Depending on the parameters of the question, it is possible to add criteria to the question.
      Click on the "Add a criterion" button at the bottom of the criteria list.
      Participate in a Qwiid - Add a criterion
      Add a title in the "Criteria" field.
      Depending on the parameters of the question, it is possible to assign an importance to the criterion (if not, the criterion will not influence the score of the propositions as long as the creator of the Qwiid hasn't weighted it).
      Select an importance between "no importance" and "required".
      Optionally add a "description" to specify your criteria.
    • Important: The criteria must be named without ambiguity so that the participants can vote correctly.

      For example, if the question concerns the destination of a trip, define a criterion "Sunny weather" rather than "Weather" since not everyone has the same notion of good weather.

      In the same way, if you want to buy a car, it is better to use the criterion "Inexpensive" instead of the criterion "Price" because by voting on the "Price" criterion, participants do not know whether to give a high score to mean that the car is expensive or on the contrary that it is cheap.

    • Each proposal is delimited by a colored rectangle and contains several criteria.
      Click on the answer that best reflects your opinion, for each of the criteria.
      Ideally, you should assign a response to all of the criteria for a proposal.
      The value "N.A" - which means "not applicable" - can be used if the criterion is not adequate for the proposition or if you do not have sufficient knowledge to vote on it. criterion.
    • Participate in a Qwiid - Vote on a criterion
    • Depending on the parameters of the question, it is possible to add proposals.
      Click on the "Add a proposition" button at the bottom of the list of propositions.
    • All you have to do is validate your participation by clicking on the "Submit" button below the form.
  9. Subscribe to new participations
    • After validating your participation in Qwiid, a pop-up window offers to subscribe to Qwiid.
      Do not hesitate to use this feature to follow the evolution of Qwiid and possibly mature your thinking.